‘A hardened and shameless tea-drinker’.

 ‘A hardened and shameless tea-drinker’.

The vast majority of us are tea lovers, myself included, but could you drink twenty-five cups in one sitting?

© National Portrait Gallery, London
Dr Johnson in his Travelling Dress as described in Boswell's Tour (Samuel Johnson) by Thomas Trotter, published by George Kearsley line engraving, published 18 January 1786. 10 3/4 in. x 7 3/8 in. (274 mm x 188 mm) NPG D34874

Dr Samuel Johnson was an 18th-century lexicographer, poet, critic, editor, and writer. He was also a tea fanatic and even wrote an essay in defence of his beloved beverage of choice! He described himself as ‘a hardened and shameless tea-drinker’. The author, John Hawkins once remarked ‘he was a lover of tea to an excess hardly credible; whenever it appeared, he was almost raving, by his impatience to be served . . . and the haste with which he swallowed it down . . .’

When visiting others, he was famed for exhausting his hostesses by guzzling down his tea faster than they could serve him more. When Sir Joshua Reynolds joked that he had drunk eleven cupful’s, Johnson shot back “I did not count your glasses of wine, why should you number my cups of tea.” He once described getting revenge on a hostess who had annoyed him by drinking twenty-five cups of tea!

In James Boswell’s Life of Johnson, he writes ‘I suppose no person ever enjoyed with more relish the infusion of that fragrant leaf than Johnson. The quantities which he drank of it at all hours were so
great . . .’

When I recently visited the Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum in Lichfield, I saw some of Johnson’s beloved teacups, saucers and a striking black Jackfield pottery teapot dating to 1760, on display. I snapped these images before I left.
For more information on objects visit the museum's online collection.


Do you like tea? Tell me your favourite drink below!


Samuel Johnson: The Major Works
Samuel Johnson: A Personal History by Christopher Hibbert
Life of Johnson by James Boswell
