Book Review - The Drums of War

* A huge Thank You to Michael Ward for sending me a copy of his book, in exchange for an honest review.

The Drums of War by Michael Ward

This is the third novel in the Thomas Tallant mystery series by Ward. However, the book can be read as a standalone. It is set in 17th century London, during the outbreak of the English Civil War. Thomas Tallant, a spice merchant, is asked to investigate and find a lethal hoard of hidden gunpowder, and with the assistance of Elizabeth Seymour, find a sniper picking off Parliamentary officers in the city. Elizabeth also has a jewel thief to find and goes underground to trace his hoard.

This story is action packed, and it will leave you guessing till the very end! The book follows Thomas and Elizabeth as they go about their missions in alternating chapters, but a second viewpoint is added to the story, that of the jewel thief, which really adds to the mystery. The Drums of War is peppered with real historical figures, and Ward certainly knows his stuff about the difficulties of life, politics, and war in 17th century England. Families and friendships were torn apart when it came to where loyalties lay, either with the King or with Parliament.

I loved both Thomas and Elizabeth, they were such well written characters. Elizabeth was my favourite, a pipe-smoking genius who uses mathematics, science and medicine to her advantage whilst investigating. She’s very observant, quick witted and brave. However, even she cannot use her usual logic when faced with the horrors of war. As a man, Thomas is in the midst of war and has many lucky escapes. It’s safe to say neither character will ever be the same after all that they witness. And even though their missions take them off on separate journeys at times, the two have an undeniable chemistry.

Ward’s brilliant writing really immerses you in the plot, and many times I found myself thinking how horrific the battles must have been. He brings the 17th century alive, and there is a brilliant and clever twist at the very end, which every history fan is sure to love! I hope this isn’t the last book in this incredible series. (It would also make an excellent TV show!!)

The Drums of War is out now, and you can buy a copy here

More information about Michael Ward and his books can be found here
Twitter: @Mikewardmedia Facebook: Mikeward5
Michael is also the author of: ‘Rags of Time’ and ‘The Wrecking Storm’.
